“Why is she all over me one day and the next day not interested?”

Guys, what you don’t know CAN hurt you.

In this case, it’s all about hormones.  When the menstrual cycle begins to flow, so does the flux in her hormonal balance.  When she approaches the middle of her cycle, around day fifteen, she’s ovulating and flooded with estrogen and testosterone.  At this point her sexual energy is very high and she’s HOT!   But in the next few days those hormones diminished  and the cold front moves in, and once again you have to creatively engage her more to gain her interest.

That’s right: Seduce her…

If you’re willing to take the time to do what turns her on she’ll be receptive, and you’ll both be happy that you took the initiative to keep the juices flowing in your relationship.  Knowing and understanding her monthly cycle can make life much easier and more enjoyable for both of you.

Our forthcoming e-book on hormones has a great chart that helps both men and women understand what is happening from day to day in her cycle.